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ZN100/60 Pulse Damper

Lead Fluid ZN100/60 Pulse Dampener features a unique dual-sided flexible buffer membrane design to absorb pulsating flow in fluid delivery tublines, effectively smoothing out pulsations and ensuring a more stable fluid transport. It is equipped with buffer membranes of various thickness specifications,making it suitable for a wide range of flow rates. The product boasts excellent high temperature resistance,chemical corrosion resistance, and explosion-proof capabilities. It is suitable for low-flow applications and can be used in conjunction with equipment,instruments,laboratories, and similar environment.

SKU: Pulse damper-1 Category:

Technical Parameter

ZN100 Recommended pressure specifications for the buffer membrane

Thickness Max Working Pressure Holding Pressure
1mm 0.03Mpa 0.15Mpa
2mm 0.05Mpa 0.16Mpa
3mm 0.08Mpa 0.20pa
4mm 0.14Mpa 0.23Mpa
5mm 0.14Mpa 0.23Mpa

Note: The default configuration includes a 1mm buffer membrane.
Buffer membrane with thickness ranging from 2mm to 5mm are available as custom configurations.
You can choose to customize a buffer membrane with a thickness of 2mm to 5mm based on your pressure requiements.

ZN60 Recommended pressure specifications for the buffer membrane

Thickness Max Working Pressure Holding Pressure
0.1mm 0.12Mpa 0.15Mpa
0.2mm 0.13Mpa 0.16Mpa
0.5mm 0.15Mpa 0.18Mpa

Note: The damper comes installed with a default 0.5mm buffer membrane. Alongside the product, the accessory package includes buffer membranes in 0.1mm and 0.2mm specifications, as well as buffer membrane washers. Please choose to replace the buffer membrane according to your pressure and flow requirements. Refer to the instruction manual foe specific replacement procedures.